Man stranded on rocks rescued from River Foyle

Foyle Search and Rescue.Foyle Search and Rescue.
Foyle Search and Rescue.
Foyle Search & Rescue came to the aid of a man stranded on rocks on the River Foyle at the weekend.

FSR pagers were activated after a call out at 5:40pm on Sunday.

A spokesman for the charity said: “Two Boats plus a Jetski were launched within minutes along with a Mobile Unit with our Second Response Team in support. Jetski and Boat located a male stranded on rocks and secured him. The male was then removed to a second boat on scene and transferred to our Base at Prehen where he was assessed by Emergency First Responders and treated for cold water shock.”

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The man was taken home by family members afterwards, and FSR have thanked the PSNI, CCTV and its own teams for helping to ensure the man was rescued.

Meanwhile, in a separate appeal, FSR have issued a river safety notice in relation to tides. The charity said that people getting cut off by the tide contributes to a number of rescues. “Because tide times and heights vary throughout the month, an area of river that was clear yesterday at 5pm might be completely covered at the same time today,” the spokesperson said.

The charity has urged people to check tide tables through apps, weather news or local websites or from the Harbour Master, as water levels can rise surprisingly quickly, .

“If you see someone trapped or stranded dial 999,” they advised.