Martin McGuinness' sons launch special calendar

Sons of the late Sinn Féin leader Martin McGuinness, Emmett and  Fiachra, launching  the 2018 Derry Graves Association Calendar in the City Cemetery. (Picture by Charlie McMenamin)Sons of the late Sinn Féin leader Martin McGuinness, Emmett and  Fiachra, launching  the 2018 Derry Graves Association Calendar in the City Cemetery. (Picture by Charlie McMenamin)
Sons of the late Sinn Féin leader Martin McGuinness, Emmett and Fiachra, launching the 2018 Derry Graves Association Calendar in the City Cemetery. (Picture by Charlie McMenamin)
The sons of the late Sinn Féin leader Martin McGuinness have launched a special 2018 Derry Republican Graves Association Calendar featuring their father.

Emmett and Fiachra McGuinness launched the calendar at the Republican plot in the City Cemetery as the calendar goes on general release. The cover of the calendar features a picture of Martin McGuinness, who passed away in March 2016, at the same spot.

Speaking at the launch, a spokesperson for the Association told the Journal: “There has been unprecedented interest in the calendar this year even before we did the launch. We have had requests from right across Ireland, Scotland and America. The iconic photo on the front cover of Martin at Cú Chulainn at the Republican plot has touched a chord with people everywhere. We are deeply honoured to have both Emmett and Fiachra here today to launch the 2018 Derry Graves Association Calendar.”

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He added: “With the demand so high this year I would encourage anyone who would normally purchase one annually to ensure they do it soon as they can as not to miss out.”

The £5.00 calendar is on sale now at Peadar O’Donnell’s, Tracys and Checkpoint Charlie, Waterloo Street, PJ News Agents, William Street (beside Dohertys Bakery), Georges Bar, Bishop Street, Pennywise Bargain Shop in the Ráth Mór Shopping Centre, Creggan and at Sinn Féin offices in the city.

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