McCartney condems pipe bombers

Sinn Fein Foyle MLA Raymond McCartney.Sinn Fein Foyle MLA Raymond McCartney.
Sinn Fein Foyle MLA Raymond McCartney.
Sinn Féin's Raymond McCartney has condemned those behind last night's bomb alert in the Gobnascale area of the city.

The Vice chair of the Assembly’s justice committee said those responsible for leaving a pipe bomb outside the house in Gelvin Gardens will not succeed in dragging society back to the past.

Raymond McCartney said: “Those who left this device in Gelvin Gardens should be condemned by everyone in our community. There is no rationale or justification for such actions and the sooner those behind this incident realise that the better.

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“Those responsible for this pipe bomb are attempting to drag us back to the past but they will not succeed.

Whoever was behind this attack needs to realise that they do not have the support of the local community and they should stop these pointless actions immediately.”