Medical waste dumped in Limavady '˜would turn your stomach'

What appears to medical waste on the Roemill Road in Limavady.What appears to medical waste on the Roemill Road in Limavady.
What appears to medical waste on the Roemill Road in Limavady.
What appears to be medical waste dumped on a roadside just yards from a housing estate in Limavady has been slammed as 'revolting and vulgar'.

What appears to be a catheter bag containing fluid can be seen in full public view hanging from a fence on Roemill Road facing homes in the Coolessan area.

There are also dozens of beer bottles, remnants of plastic toys and other debris strewn along the grass.

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SDLP councillor John Deighan said he’s contacted Causeway Coast & Glens Council to see if they will remove the rubbish.

Other rubbish dumped on land on the Roemill Road.Other rubbish dumped on land on the Roemill Road.
Other rubbish dumped on land on the Roemill Road.

“I think it’s completely revolting. It’s a scourge on society that people see fit to dispose of their rubbish, and what appears to be medical waste, in such close proximity to a housing development,” said Colr. Deighan.

The SDLP man said he’s seen fly tipping in the past, which he’s reported, but he’s never seen anything like this.

“I can cope with a few bags of rubbish, but this is vulgar and it shows a complete lack of respect for the area and society in general. Just looking at it would turn your stomach and almost make you sick. I would almost go and remove it myself, but it needs to be disposed of properly.

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“There are children living in the area and children being curious may touch it. You don’t want this anywhere, but especially not in one of the most congested areas of the town where there is a residential area.”

Other rubbish dumped on land on the Roemill Road.Other rubbish dumped on land on the Roemill Road.
Other rubbish dumped on land on the Roemill Road.

Colr. Deighan urged anyone who sees anyone fly tipping to report it.

One local resident said the rubbish dumped was “simply despicable”.

“The amount of rubbish that is thrown over the fence into the old Gorteen field is absolutely terrible but today’s addition is simply despicable...No excuse for that behaviour. Why?” said the resident.