Mullan: Rev. Jesse Jackson compares Martin McGuinness to MLK and Mandela

Martin McGuinnessMartin McGuinness
Martin McGuinness
US civil rights campaigner, Rev. Jesse Jackson compared Martin McGuinness' legacy to that of Dr. Martin Luther King and Nelson Mandela, Sinn Féin's Karen Mullan has said.

Rev. Jackson was in Derry today and met with Sinn Féin representatives and laid a wreath at the grave of Martin McGuinness.

"It was a great honour to welcome the Rev. Jesse Jackson to Derry today, as he laid a wreath at the grave of Martin McGuinness, accompanied by Martin's wife, Bernie and daughter, Fionnuala," the MLA said.

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"Rev. Jackson has played a significant role in the development of the peace process here in Ireland, but also served as a voice for oppressed people throughout the world.

"He paid a very warm tribute to Martin McGuinness, comparing his legacy to that of Dr. Martin Luther King and Nelson Mandela and his kind words were very much appreciated."