'Navy knitted glove with Canadian flag on fist' left at scene of Derry burglary

Glove with Canadian flag may hold key to burglary, police have said.Glove with Canadian flag may hold key to burglary, police have said.
Glove with Canadian flag may hold key to burglary, police have said.
Do you know someone who has lost a navy-knitted glove with a Canadian flag on the fist?

The PSNI in Derry have found one at the scheme of a burglary in the Waterside.

Police said they were investigating a burglary that occurred at approximately 6am on Thursday, December 12, 2019 in the area of Cross Street.

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During the incident, a number of items were taken including two mobile phones and a sum of cash.

The PSNI said: "This is not what anyone wants or needs so close to Christmas.

"A noticeable item was left at the scene of the incident - a navy knitted glove with the Canadian Flag on the fist. This may be of some relevance to our investigation.

"If you have any information on this incident, please contact 101 and quote reference number 173 of 12/12/19. As always, your help is greatly appreciated."