New murals celebrate Creggan's sporting stars

Creggan sporting heroes, Charlie Nash (boxer) and Tony O'Doherty (footballer), pictured at the unveiling of a series of new murals to celebrate Creggan sports stars at the Creggan shops. Also included is Ken Breslin, area manager, NI Housing Executive, Kevin Campbell, Triax Neighbourhood Management Team, and Eddie Breslin, good relations officer, NI Housing Executive.Creggan sporting heroes, Charlie Nash (boxer) and Tony O'Doherty (footballer), pictured at the unveiling of a series of new murals to celebrate Creggan sports stars at the Creggan shops. Also included is Ken Breslin, area manager, NI Housing Executive, Kevin Campbell, Triax Neighbourhood Management Team, and Eddie Breslin, good relations officer, NI Housing Executive.
Creggan sporting heroes, Charlie Nash (boxer) and Tony O'Doherty (footballer), pictured at the unveiling of a series of new murals to celebrate Creggan sports stars at the Creggan shops. Also included is Ken Breslin, area manager, NI Housing Executive, Kevin Campbell, Triax Neighbourhood Management Team, and Eddie Breslin, good relations officer, NI Housing Executive.
A graffiti hotspot in Derry's Creggan Estate has been transformed thanks to a series of new murals celebrating the area's sporting heroes.

The new murals at the Creggan shops, Central Drive, feature boxer Charlie Nash, who represented Ireland at the 1972 Olympic Games, footballer Tony O’Doherty, who was capped by Northern Ireland, and triathlete Aileen Reid (née Morrison), who starred for Ireland at the London 2012 and Rio 2016 Olympics.

A number of local groups, Creggan Youth Drop In, Triax Neighbourhood Management Team (TNMT) and the social enterprise UV Arts CIC, were involved with the project, which was supported by the Housing Executive.

See Friday’s Derry Journal for more.

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