New Western Trust drive to tackle obesity

Western Trust Health Improvement staff pictured promoting Choose to Live Better Obesity Prevention Campaign 2019 from left to right are: Zoe Fletcher, Health Improvement Dietitian; Avril Morrow, Assistant Manager, Health Improvement, Equality and Involvement Department and Carol Doherty, Health Improvement Nutritionist.Western Trust Health Improvement staff pictured promoting Choose to Live Better Obesity Prevention Campaign 2019 from left to right are: Zoe Fletcher, Health Improvement Dietitian; Avril Morrow, Assistant Manager, Health Improvement, Equality and Involvement Department and Carol Doherty, Health Improvement Nutritionist.
Western Trust Health Improvement staff pictured promoting Choose to Live Better Obesity Prevention Campaign 2019 from left to right are: Zoe Fletcher, Health Improvement Dietitian; Avril Morrow, Assistant Manager, Health Improvement, Equality and Involvement Department and Carol Doherty, Health Improvement Nutritionist.
The Western Trust's Health Improvement, Equality and Involvement Department are working in partnership with the Public Health Agency to promote the Choose to Live Better Obesity Prevention Campaign 2019.

The campaign this week aims to raise awareness of the dangers of obesity on overall health and wellbeing alongside promoting practical ways to lead a healthier lifestyle.

Those behind the project said that obesity is one of the most important public health challenges in Northern Ireland with 64 per cent of the population currently overweight or obese. They said it was crucial to raise awareness in an effort to challenge attitudes and behaviours.

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Zoe Fletcher, Western Trust Project Lead Dietitian for the Community Food and Nutrition Team said: “More than one in two adults in Northern Ireland are now overweight or obese, but many people don’t even realise that they fall into this category and are putting their health at risk. Being overweight or obese increases the risk of developing heart disease, some cancers and type 2 diabetes.

Zoe continued: “This campaign aims to encourage individuals to make small, realistic lifestyle changes that will help them maintain a healthy weight. Small changes are easier to make and can add up to make a big difference. For example, having smaller portions, swapping to healthier options and going for a walk instead of watching TV.

“Every small step will help people keep a healthy weight and improve their health. By promoting awareness of the campaign message that an extra 100 calories a day can lead to 10lbs of weight gain each year, we hope to give people the tools and encouragement to make healthier choices to help prevent against obesity.”

For resources to support the campaign in the community or workplace contact the Health Improvement, Equality and Involvement Department on T: (028) 71865127 or email: [email protected]