No resolution found to Ivy Terrace issues

Issues remain a problem in the Ivy Terrace area, Colr. Logue said.Issues remain a problem in the Ivy Terrace area, Colr. Logue said.
Issues remain a problem in the Ivy Terrace area, Colr. Logue said.
Sinn Féin Councillor Patricia Logue has spoken about the ongoing traffic problems facing residents in the Ivy Terrace area of Derry.

She said that the problems are not new and have been an issue for years for residents.

Colr. Logue was speaking following complaints from a number of residents from the area, after damage caused to some vehicles. Safety concerns have also been expressed.

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She said: “There have been ongoing problems for many years with traffic going in and out of Ivy Terrace.

“The entrance to the street is not very wide and at the end of street cars have to turn to come back out again as it’s a cul-de-sac.

“This is causing traffic congestion in the street, cars have been damaged and there is also the danger of cars turning at the end of the street with children out playing.”

A number of suggestions and ideas have been put forward to try and tackle the problem, Colr. Logue said, adding that any potential solutions needed the full input and backing of residents.

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“One of the ideas floated was that a one way slip road could have been built to allow traffic to safely exit out onto Lower Bennett Street,” she said. “Plus also easing traffic congestion with traffic exiting out onto Bishop Street.

“I think it’s very important to point out that there would have been a full consultation with residents in both streets before any changes would have been made.”

Ms Logue said Transport Northern Ireland have been contacted over the issue and have now responded on the issue.

She said: “Transport NI (formerly Road Service) have now told me that this cannot happen due the gradient of the street and other issues.

“With this in mind I would ask motorists to show due care and attention in this vicinity as we move forward.”

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