NW Migrants Forum release plans for International Women’s Day

Lilian Seenoi-Barr, Director of Programmes at NWMF.Lilian Seenoi-Barr, Director of Programmes at NWMF.
Lilian Seenoi-Barr, Director of Programmes at NWMF.
North West Migrants Forum will launch its first series of a year-long programme “Choose to Challenge” events on February 6, in partnership with Belfast Islamic Centre and iAssist Northern Ireland.

With racial equality firmly on the agenda, these free and inclusive online events aim to find meaningful pathways for representation and reclaim voices of Black and Minority Ethnic people in civic and public spaces.

The first series of events coincide with the campaign theme for International Women’s Day 2021, ‘Choose to Challenge’. International Women’s Day has occurred for well over a century with the first gathering held in 1911.

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Lilian Seenoi-Barr, Director of Programmes at NWMF, said: “International Women’s Day is a global celebration of the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women. The day also marks a call to action for accelerating gender parity and whilst celebrating progress in this area is part of the agenda, there is little to celebrate when it comes to the progress made towards the equality of opportunities for the BME community.

“These events mark a call to action for accelerating racial equality in Northern Ireland and we want to use them to help build on our comprehensive engagement with BME women and claim our space in civic and public spaces. There will be talks on Women’s participation and Transformative Leadership, Gender Mainstreaming, Gender Justice and BME Women’s Rights as well as a call to action for racial and gender equity.

“The programme features discussions and presentations from inspiring speakers, activists, and innovators from across UK and Ireland. Keynote speakers include House of Lords Representative RT honourable Doreen Lawrence, Former Alliance Party MLA Anna Lo, Professor of political Sociology at Queens University, Dr. Katy Hayward, Dr. Yassin Brunger Lecturer in Law at Queen’s University among others.

“Whilst the discussion topics will be focused on BME women, the programme is open to all groups collectively and we would like to extend invitations to women, girls and men who choose to challenge inequity. If you would like to join the conversation you will find the registration link on North West Migrants Forum social media channels.”

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The events are supported by the Northern Ireland Housing Executive and The National Lottery Community Fund. The North West Migrants Forum was founded in February 2012 and is committed to promoting equal opportunities and protection for people of different ethnic backgrounds in Northern Ireland.

For more information on NWMF, ‘Choose to Challenge’ programme or how you can get involved, visit http://nwmf.org.uks