‘My dog ate my 35-year-old socks’: Friday's Child Councillor Shauna Cusack

Shauna CusackShauna Cusack
Shauna Cusack
Shauna Cusack is an SDLP councillor for the Foyleside constituency. First elected in 2014, she currently holds the chair of the Business and Culture Committee, she also sits on the boards of the Theatre Trust and Visit Derry. Born in the Moor, Shauna grew up in Glenowen and then moved to Hatmore. Shauna went to the Convent Grammar school in Strabane and is a graduate of Thames Valley University London and the University of Ulster. She married her college classmate Brendan Gallagher, they share a home with their much loved Doberman, Raoul Cusack Gallagher. A proud Derry woman and passionate advocate for peace and prosperity for the city.

How would you describe yourself?

A bit like a small dog, friendly, sociable, affectionate but also brave, fiercely protective, impatient and liable to snap if you push your luck. My family ( affectionately) call me ‘the Jack Russell’.

Happiest childhood memory?

Councillor Shauna CusackCouncillor Shauna Cusack
Councillor Shauna Cusack

Christmas mornings and the ensuing week of family get-togethers at my aunts and uncles homes. My granny Coyle was a music teacher so we either knew an instrument or sang, we all had a party piece and everyone had to participate.

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My dad who has an incredible voice was the highlight of each party with his rendition of ‘The Wild Colonial


After all the excitement I would always be found having a wee snooze on top of the coats at the end of the night, that’s something I’m still guilty of.

What was your first job?

Working part-time after school when I was 17 in Dunnes grocery in the Richmond centre where New Look is now. It was hard work but great craic and by the end of the year I’d earned enough to pay for my first holiday on my own to Corfu.

Favourite Book?

Facebook but only when used positively, as like any ‘book’ it can be a source of propaganda depending on the author. Personally I think it’s a great medium for connecting, entertaining and informing people, it’s also a window to the world for those lonely or isolated, however it really needs stricter regulations and accountability. Also my Irish passport, I take immense pride in my identity.

Favourite Film?

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‘Amores Perros’. It’s a Mexican film from 2000 directed by Alejandro Gonzales Inarritu with Gael Garcia Bernal. It’s one of those movies you can’t turn off and keeps you hooked, a must-see.

Favourite TV programme?

Has to be Derry Girls...I’ve watched all the episodes almost ten times now and still laugh out loud. A real tonic after a rough week.

Favourite Expression?

‘Height is no determination of strength’. Being a woman and not exactly 6ft, can be an affliction, especially in the world of politics. You can get patronised, undermined even intimidated due to your lack of ‘physical’ presence. Hopefully, I’ve raged loudly against that particular machine and proven you can be an Amazonian woman at any size.

Favourite method of


Spending time with my hubby, family and good friends over food and wine ( preferably somewhere sunny). Or just chilling at home with my dog Raoul who is my very own psychotherapist.

Favourite holiday destination?

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Mexico. I lived there for a while and love everything about it, going beyond the tourist areas the people, culture and historical experiences are not unlike our own, the weather is a wee bit better though and the food..OMG!

Who would you most like to meet?

Prince, as in the Purple One. Hopefully, that won’t be anytime soon.

What makes you angry?

On a global level; the exploitation of peoples, animals and environments for greed or entertainment by those who have the power to do so much good instead.

On a local level; lack of love, respect and fairness for our city and people. Demonstrated through acts of mindless violence, vandalism, ASB and treating our streets as open bins. Not forgetting the wider issue of historical under-investment.

What makes you happy?

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My husband of 20 years Brendan he’s a constant source of laughs, sound advice and fascinating conversation, a genuinely good person. Also getting results for people and knowing it’s going to improve their lives in some way, especially when I’ve been told it can’t be done.

Cue Jack Russell.

What human quality do you most admire?


What human quality do you least admire?


What has been the most embarrassing thing to happen to you?

When I started going out with Brendan he took me to the Rocking Chair bar where I was introduced to the regulars. I had a habit of making up yarns for craic when anyone asked what I did for a living.

This time one gentleman asked and I randomly replied ‘I’m a Shepherd’ to which he went on to inquire as to the size, breed, location etc of my flock, I hadn’t a clue and did some serious waffling.

Little did I know I was talking to the only ‘other’ shepherd in town.

What was the worst thing to happen to you in your life?

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Going through a number of unsuccessful IVF cycles and having to accept that I won’t be a mother.

What is your greatest fear?

Brexit ...and that people who are most at risk will continue to blindly follow and vote for those who will do them, their communities and their environments the most harm. The world needs to wake up, there are genuine good leaders out there but we’ve made politics so toxic, tainted and funding dependent they will be hard to attract.

What has been the high point of your life to date?

Right now I suppose, I’m coming 50 this year and have reached a point where I’m lucky to still have everyone I want and need around me.

I enjoy wonderful genuine friends, a supportive family and work colleagues.

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Being elected to represent my community is extremely humbling. I love what I do and have had so many incredible memories and life experiences so no regrets.

Not every day or every year has been a delight but I feel very blessed and content.

How would you like to be remembered?

With a smile and as someone who made the small changes that led to the big changes, preferably sitting on the mantelpiece in a decorative pot (take note family).

What is your most treasured possession?

I’ve little I think I materially treasure but strangely I would have to say my clothes. I can’t throw anything away as each item is a mini memory. Only recently I realised I had a pair of 35-year-old socks until Raoul (my dog) ate them.

If you won the lotto what would you do with it?

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That kind of depends on the amount. If it was a mega win I would start my own foundation to identify and work on the many community issues in our City which go under the radar. I would like to build more play parks, develop more green spaces, regenerate derelict areas, support animal charities, vulnerable individuals and ensure our city is safe and clean to name a few, all of which I could fund with my ‘mega’ win.

I’d also make a considerable contribution to my party the SDLP to help them grow and continue with their great work.

And before I get disowned, I’d also sort out my friends and family.

If you could be granted one wish in life what would you ask for ?

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To see this city at complete peace and all people prosper financially physically and mentally.

We share a beautiful landscape which is unrecognisable from the destruction and depression of my childhood. We need everyone to have pride in our place, which can only come through opportunities and positive mindsets. Maybe that lotto mega win would go some ways to getting us there .

If you could write your own epitaph what would it be ?

I told you to cremate me you F..@k*rs.

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