People of Derry reunite toddler with her favourite toy

Little two year-old Aoife is re-united with her favourite toy, 'Bunny'. Included is mum Jaclyn (right) and Karen Conlon who found the toy in William Street last week.Little two year-old Aoife is re-united with her favourite toy, 'Bunny'. Included is mum Jaclyn (right) and Karen Conlon who found the toy in William Street last week.
Little two year-old Aoife is re-united with her favourite toy, 'Bunny'. Included is mum Jaclyn (right) and Karen Conlon who found the toy in William Street last week.
A two year-old Derry toddler has been re-united with her favourite toy after The Derry Journal posted an appeal on Facebook last week.

Local woman, Karen Conlon, contacted the ‘Journal’ after she found a stuffed bunny rabbit in the William Street area of the city.

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Can you help re-unite this toy with its rightful owner?

“Any chance you can share this picture of a teddy that I have found on William street. Looking to get it back to owner,” said Karen.

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Karen Conlon found the toy in William Street.Karen Conlon found the toy in William Street.
Karen Conlon found the toy in William Street.

The appeal was shared by ‘Journal’ readers 80 times and it reached

The ‘Journal’ shared the appeal on Facebook and Derry mother, Jaclyn Harron, recognised the toy as belonging to her little daughter Aoife.

Karen, Jaclyn and little Aoife met up in Derry on Tuesday during which time the toy known only as ‘Bunny’ was re-united with its doting owner.

“I am so glad we found it again,” said relieved mum, Jaclyn.

“We were panicking when we lost it as Aoife won’t sleep without it and she wouldn’t take to the new one we bought.”

As a sign of gratitude, Jaclyn and Aoife, presented Karen with a bunch of flowers.

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