Bishop: Life more than ‘box sets about abnormal people’

Bishop Donal McKeown.Bishop Donal McKeown.
Bishop Donal McKeown.
The Bishop of Derry says people must learn from the Covid-19 crisis and not “relapse into bad old habits”.

Dr Donal McKeown says the question is not whether church will be different after the pandemic but how we can “dream of it being fitter for purpose in a changed world”.

He added: “It is all about Christ’s daunting dream and not just about our cosy comfort-zone.”

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Speaking on the Fourth Sunday of Easter, the Bishop also remarked on the “huge restrictions” on what people can do on both sides of the border as a result of the coronavirus lockdown restrictions.

“It is important that we do all we can to protect life and halt the spread of the virus,” he said. “But, as Church, we have to do more than merely promote economic and physical health. And we have to do more than just want to get our buildings open again. Yes, there are many people who want to access the Church’s rich sacramental and spiritual resources. We have to be yearning for the day when parishioners can hear the shepherd’s voice and gather in the sheepfold to celebrate Christ’s love and mercy. We have to be preparing and lobbying so that those who wish it can have children christened in the waters of baptism and have their marriage vows solemnised before the Lord.

“But, if we want to have life to the full, we also have to keep proclaiming that people need meaning in our lives and not just money.

“We need peace of mind and not just pieces of silver. We need beauty and not just box sets about abnormal people. Pope Francis has been very strong in speaking about how we will look after the lost and the lame, the poor and the marginalised, after this pandemic. There are many interest groups who see this as an opportunity to further increase inequality. If I am concerned mainly with my interests and not primarily with the welfare of the little ones, then I would need to listen to today’s Gospel again and again and again.”

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The Bishop said the generosity of health workers and others during the crisis has inspired countless people.

He added: “Young people will similarly be encouraged to dream of doing something heroically great with their lives when they see parish communities and clergy that inspire them. Despite many bland and frail cultural role models, many young still yearn for inspiration and challenge.”

The world, says Dr McKeown, will not be renewed by a philosophy that looks after number one.

“Sport and music can numb the pain but not free the heart to soar. Retail therapy does more for the economy that it does for the addicted shopper... Our dreams are throttled at birth by a philosophy which says that here is as good as it gets and that I must cram as much into my short years as possible.”

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