Council buildings to be lit up to remember victims of terrorism

The Alley Theatre in Strabane.The Alley Theatre in Strabane.
The Alley Theatre in Strabane.
Derry and Strabane Council’s Strand Road HQ and the Alley Theatre are to both light up red on Thursday to mark European Day of Remembrance of Victims of Terrorism.

Mayor Brian Tierney said it was extremely important to mark this occasion within the city and district.

“It’s a way of paying our respects to those who have been injured or lost their lives as a result of terrorism and to the family and friends of those victims,” he said.

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“There are many victims who lost their lives or whose lives have been changed forever and, as Mayor, I wanted to extend a gesture to show that those people are in our thoughts and as a way of recognising the pain that they have endured at the hands of horrific acts of terrorism.

“As the Guildhall clock has been set up to be lit green throughout this week for Ovarian Cancer Awareness, it wasn’t possible to light it red also on this occasion, but I hope that, by lighting both the Council office in Derry and the Alley Theatre in Strabane, we are showing our solidarity as a city and district with all victims of terrorism.”