'Criminals' and 'cowards' blamed for arson attack on home of Derry republican Brian Moore

The remains of Brian Moore's car.The remains of Brian Moore's car.
The remains of Brian Moore's car.
The house of a Derry republican has been damaged by fire after his car was torched outside his home while he slept inside this morning.

The attack on the home of Sinn Féin member Brian Moore in Creggan in the early hours of this morning has been described as incredibly reckless.

The PSNI are treating the incident as arson with intent to endanger life an offence that can carry a lengthy jail term upon successful prosecution.

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Sinn Féin MLA Raymond McCartney said the arson attack was the work of "criminals" and "cowards."

"I strongly condemn the cowardly arson attack on the family car of Sinn Féin activist Brian Moore in the early hours of Saturday.

“Thankfully no one was hurt, although it could have been much worse as the family were in the house at the time.

“The criminal elements responsible for this attack have nothing to offer but continually bring a bad name to Creggan. They should get off the backs of the community," said Mr. McCartney.

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Detectives, meanwhile, appealed for witnesses following the arson attack in Lislane Drive.Detective Sergeant Marshall said: "We received a report around 4.10 a.m. that a vehicle parked close to a property had been set on fire.

"Extensive damage was caused to the vehicle while damage was also caused to guttering and fascia boards of the house. "This was a reckless attack and those responsible for this crime showed complete disregard for the two adult occupants of the house and other residents in the area. We are fortunate no-one was injured. "This is being treated this as arson with the intent to endanger life, and I would appeal to anyone who was in the area around this time and saw any suspicious activity, or anyone who has information about this crime to contact detectives at Strand Road on 101 quoting the reference number 425 29/06/19." Alternatively information can be provided to the independent charity Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111, which is 100% anonymous and gives the power to people to speak up and stop crime.