DCI John Caldwell shooting: Derry & Strabane parties united in condemnation

OMAGH, NORTHERN IRELAND - FEBRUARY 25: A rally is held in support of off duty Detective Chief Inspector John Caldwell who was shot while attending a Beragh Swifts football coaching session with his son on February 25, 2023 in Omagh, Northern Ireland. The shooting of off-duty police officer DCI John Caldwell is being treated as terror-related by the PSNI. DCI Caldwell is critically ill in hospital after being shot at close range by two men as he coached local children's football team, the Beragh Swifts, attended by his son on Wednesday evening. Four men have been arrested and remain in custody. (Photo by Charles McQuillan/Getty Images)OMAGH, NORTHERN IRELAND - FEBRUARY 25: A rally is held in support of off duty Detective Chief Inspector John Caldwell who was shot while attending a Beragh Swifts football coaching session with his son on February 25, 2023 in Omagh, Northern Ireland. The shooting of off-duty police officer DCI John Caldwell is being treated as terror-related by the PSNI. DCI Caldwell is critically ill in hospital after being shot at close range by two men as he coached local children's football team, the Beragh Swifts, attended by his son on Wednesday evening. Four men have been arrested and remain in custody. (Photo by Charles McQuillan/Getty Images)
OMAGH, NORTHERN IRELAND - FEBRUARY 25: A rally is held in support of off duty Detective Chief Inspector John Caldwell who was shot while attending a Beragh Swifts football coaching session with his son on February 25, 2023 in Omagh, Northern Ireland. The shooting of off-duty police officer DCI John Caldwell is being treated as terror-related by the PSNI. DCI Caldwell is critically ill in hospital after being shot at close range by two men as he coached local children's football team, the Beragh Swifts, attended by his son on Wednesday evening. Four men have been arrested and remain in custody. (Photo by Charles McQuillan/Getty Images)
Parties from across the political spectrum have united in their condemnation of the shooting of DCI John Caldwell during a meeting of Derry City and Strabane Council.

The attack, which took place in Omagh, was described as cowardly and callous, and an attempt to murder a PSNI officer.

Sending his thoughts and prayers to DCI John Caldwell, DUP Alderman Maurice Devenney welcomed the cross-party condemnation of the attack.

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Alliance Councillor Phillip McKinney expressed his solidarity with DCI Caldwell and his family adding: “This attack was an attack on a father, helping his community, a football coach surrounded by young children and other members of families. Those children will have that implanted on their minds for the rest of their lives and could cause psychological problems as well.

DCI John Caldwell.DCI John Caldwell.
DCI John Caldwell.

“These terrorists are not needed in our community. These people are not wanted in our community. And I would appeal to those that have some influence on these people to ask them to consider their actions to cease immediately.”

Expressing his support for DCI John Caldwell and his family, UUP Alderman Derek Hussey wished the medical staff who are dealing with the officer ‘every good fortune going forward’.

He spoke highly of Caldwell’s contributions to the community, both through his work and his involvement with the Beragh Swifts football club.

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Alderman Hussey condemned the shooting, calling it a “despicable act” and expressing his hope that the investigation into the incident will be successful. He welcomed the Western Trust CAMHS plans to provide support for the young people affected by the trauma of the attack.

OMAGH, NORTHERN IRELAND - FEBRUARY 25: A rally is held in support of off duty Detective Chief Inspector John Caldwell who was shot while attending a Beragh Swifts football coaching session with his son on February 25, 2023 in Omagh, Northern Ireland. The shooting of off-duty police officer DCI John Caldwell is being treated as terror-related by the PSNI. DCI Caldwell is critically ill in hospital after being shot at close range by two men as he coached local children's football team, the Beragh Swifts, attended by his son on Wednesday evening. Four men have been arrested and remain in custody. (Photo by Charles McQuillan/Getty Images)OMAGH, NORTHERN IRELAND - FEBRUARY 25: A rally is held in support of off duty Detective Chief Inspector John Caldwell who was shot while attending a Beragh Swifts football coaching session with his son on February 25, 2023 in Omagh, Northern Ireland. The shooting of off-duty police officer DCI John Caldwell is being treated as terror-related by the PSNI. DCI Caldwell is critically ill in hospital after being shot at close range by two men as he coached local children's football team, the Beragh Swifts, attended by his son on Wednesday evening. Four men have been arrested and remain in custody. (Photo by Charles McQuillan/Getty Images)
OMAGH, NORTHERN IRELAND - FEBRUARY 25: A rally is held in support of off duty Detective Chief Inspector John Caldwell who was shot while attending a Beragh Swifts football coaching session with his son on February 25, 2023 in Omagh, Northern Ireland. The shooting of off-duty police officer DCI John Caldwell is being treated as terror-related by the PSNI. DCI Caldwell is critically ill in hospital after being shot at close range by two men as he coached local children's football team, the Beragh Swifts, attended by his son on Wednesday evening. Four men have been arrested and remain in custody. (Photo by Charles McQuillan/Getty Images)

Condemning those responsible for the shooting, he added: “Those who perpetrated this act should hang their heads in shame and anyone who is associated with them should similarly do so. I sincerely hope and trust that the perpetrators will be brought to final justice.”

Describing the shooting as ‘an attack on us all, an attack on the community’, Sinn Féin Colr. Christopher Jackson offered his thoughts and best wishes to DCI John Caldwell, stating: “One of the things that I took great encouragement from was seeing a statement endorsed by all political leaders united in their condemnation of this cowardly attack. The attempted murder of DCI John Caldwell demonstrates the strength of feeling when you’ve got a united approach, calling on these types of incidents, this type of activity to stop.”

He called for those who carry out these attacks to join with them and work towards building a better future adding: “Cowardly attacks offer nothing and they offer our children absolutely nothing going forward. There’s clear pathways that we see within these chambers, where people can work together to improve the lives of people living within our communities and we will encourage everybody to be part of that process.”

SDLP Cllr Brian Tierney expressed his party’s support and solidarity to DCI Caldwell and his family, stating, “I think seeing the statement that was sent out by all the main political leaders across the North will hopefully go some way to show that the overwhelming majority of people across the North do not support those people who were involved in that attack.”

He continued: “The very fact that it was carried out where young children were very, very close to was frightening and God knows what the outcome of that could have been. I understand that nearby cars were also riddled with bullets so that tells me that the people that carried out this attack had no thoughts for anyone else who was within that vicinity. They were there to do one thing and regardless of who or what got in their way they were going to try to do that.”

Colr. Tierney emphasized that the people across the North do not support such attacks, and that carrying out gun attacks in front of young children will not advance any political ideology, adding: “They need to get on board with us who can see this island moving towards something new and a positive way. I think they need to get on board on both sides, leaving the guns and their attacks in the past where they belong.”

Describing DCI Caldwell as a dedicated community servant who makes the streets safer for everyone, Independent Alderman Graham Warke said: “He is a role model who gives his time coaching a football team to make their lives better through the next generation. John’s commitment and serving the community goes way beyond DCI.”

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Alderman Warke requested that council buildings be lit up in red on March 11 to mark European Victims Day.

He continued: “As we approach the 25th anniversary of the Belfast Good Friday Agreement, recognise the people who sacrificed most over the years of violence, whose generosity in spirit has meant that the wider society has enjoyed a level of peace, however imperfect it may be. Let us stand with the Troubles victims and survivors across the community.”

Calling the attack on DCI Caldwell a ‘senseless, callous, reactionary and reckless act’, People Before Profit Cllr Shaun Harkin said: “We send our solidarity to everybody who’s been impacted by it, and everybody who’s been traumatised by it. We see this as serving absolutely no purpose but to spread fear and disunity amongst our community at a time when communities are coming together to deal with a whole host of problems.”

Colr. Harkin went on to criticise the main political parties, saying: “They have all signed on to a common statement. We think that it’s hypocritical for some of those politicians to be condemning this when they’ve spent the last two years trying to ratchet up community tensions.”

He also acknowledged that the attack does not represent the views of the majority of people, saying: “What we’ve seen happening in Omagh is a setback, but the vast majority of people don’t support this. They will refuse to be dragged back to the dark days of the Troubles. There is a path forward to make change in this across our society and that’s what we will be endeavouring to do in the coming weeks and months ahead.”

Independent Councillor Sean Carr condemned the shooting as a throwback to bygone days and said such actions were not wanted now.

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SDLP Colr. Jason Barr agreed, noting that the vast majority of people do not support these actions and do not want to be dragged back to the days of violence. He extended his thoughts to Caldwell and his family, especially his young son who witnessed the shooting.

Independent Councillor Gary Donnelly claimed that various political parties were using the attack for political gain.

Colr. Donnelly used the opportunity to reference other deaths in the council area stating: “Today is the anniversary of the brutal deaths of three young citizens in this constituency. They were gunned down by British forces. “

He also criticised those political figures who “have not or they will not condemn the actions of the British state” nor “call for the perpetrators to face justice”.

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“Only yards from here there was a young police officer killed in 1993 and a section of the people in this council have refused to condemn that and they seen it as a necessary act.

“Their opinion would be that the people who carry that out needed to be protected and sheltered. There’s people in here haven’t changed their positions regarding those incidents and they weren’t isolated, they were numerous.

“They will argue that what happened was strategically objective and that’s not to argue that last night’s actions were strategically objective. That’s for whoever carried it out to explain their position. “

Although expressing his sympathy for ‘the family of the individual targeted’, he criticised DCI Caldwell’s colleagues, claiming the force was ‘persistently targeting the families of Republican activists’ before stating: “ What we’ve seen unfolding on Twitter and on social media and will continue to carry is that this unfortunate incident will be used by all sides as a Punch and Judy type of political point scoring and opponent bashing.”

Describing the shooting as a failure of the political system operating in the area, he added: “No amount of kick the can down the road deals will stop it. What we need is a proper system in this country so that the children and everybody in it can get on with determining their own future.”

Gillian Anderson

Local Democracy Reporter