Derry midwife gives birth to son on International Day of the Midwife

Western Trust Midwives Emma McGlinchey and Emma Bradley who delivered their colleagues baby boy on International Midwives Day.Western Trust Midwives Emma McGlinchey and Emma Bradley who delivered their colleagues baby boy on International Midwives Day.
Western Trust Midwives Emma McGlinchey and Emma Bradley who delivered their colleagues baby boy on International Midwives Day.
A Derry midwife had a very special delivery on International Midwives’ Day when she gave birth to her third child.

International Midwives’ Day has been celebrated globally on May 5 since 1992.

It highlights and acknowledges the important work carried out by midwives.

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From now on, this date will have added significance for Altnagelvin based midwife Corina McGarrigle as it marks the day she gave birth to her son.

Western Trust Midwife Corina McGarrigle and her newborn son who was born on International Midwives Day.Western Trust Midwife Corina McGarrigle and her newborn son who was born on International Midwives Day.
Western Trust Midwife Corina McGarrigle and her newborn son who was born on International Midwives Day.

Corina’s seven pound eight ounce baby boy was delivered by her colleagues in the unit where she has worked in the Western Trust since 2002.

The Derry woman was assisted in her delivery by two friends and colleagues, midwives Emma McGlinchey and Emma Bradley, whilst her husband David and daughters, Cara (10) and Enya (17 months) awaited news of the delivery.

Speaking shortly after delivery, Corina said: “I am completely ecstatic at the moment and I couldn’t be happier today after our latest arrival.

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“I want to thank the fantastic Midwifery Team here at Altnagelvin who I know both personally and professionally and I can honestly say they are amongst the finest midwives anywhere.”

Corina said she was delighted her son was born on International Midwives’ Day and it makes it ‘so special’.

“I am doubly proud today, not only as a mother celebrating the birth of my son but also as a midwife myself and seeing my colleagues in action brings it home just how important and challenging the role is and I want to extend my thanks to midwifes everywhere on this unique day. I’m just so delighted, my two girls at home just can’t wait to see their wee brother. I am so delighted that he was born on this day, it makes it so very special.”

Every year since 1992, on May 5, the International Confederation of Midwives (ICM) leads a day of global recognition and celebration of the work of midwives.

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This year’s International Day of the Midwife (IDM) was celebrated under the theme of “Follow the Data: Invest in Midwives”. Speaking about International Day of the Midwife, Western Trust Clinical Risk Midwife and RCM representative, Deirdre Gill, said that midwives have been ‘incredible’ during the global Covid-19 pandemic.

She said: “I would like to take the International Day of the Midwife as an opportunity to recognise the incredible efforts of our local workforce, many of whom have gone above and beyond to care for women and babies during the pandemic. Their compassion, resilience and commitment in the face of such an unprecedented global health challenge has been incredible. I would like to thank each and every one of them.”

Deirdre also offered her congratulations to Corina on the birth of her baby boy.

“I would also like to say a warm congratulations from everyone at in WHSCT Maternity services to Corina on the fabulous news of the birth of her son, we wish her and her family the very best of luck for the future.”

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