Eastwood: Honour those who have died fighting Covid-19 by protecting their colleagues

Colum Eastwood.Colum Eastwood.
Colum Eastwood.
SDLP Leader Colum Eastwood MP has said that the best way to honour the memory of those who have given their lives to fight coronavirus is to protect front line staff and prevent further deaths.

The Foyle MP has urged the public not to let their guard down or make unnecessary journeys while the virus continues to spread and cost lives. He has repeated the party’s call for a mass testing and tracing operation before any decision to lift lockdown restrictions.

Speaking on International Workers Memorial Day this week, Colum Eastwood MP said: “We’re reflecting on the bravery and sacrifice of our health workers and care staff who have given their lives to protect us from Covid-19. While most of us are rightly reducing our physical exposure to others, our brave nurses, doctors, care assistants and so many others have rushed to the front line, putting themselves at risk to save lives.

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“It’s important to take this moment to reflect on those we’ve lost to this virus but it’s more important to honour their memory by protecting their colleagues who continue to fight Covid-19 for us.

“There have been reports of more cars on our streets and more people out and about over the last few days. If you’re one of those who has taken a more relaxed approach to lockdown, I’m appealing to you to think again.

People are still contracting this virus, they’re still ending up in intensive care and our loved ones are still dying. If you want to thank the health workers on the front line, do it by staying at home and observing the lockdown guidance.”

Mr Eastwood added: “We cannot let our guard down now. I remain convinced that the only circumstances under which we can lift the restrictions, that are saving lives, is to first implement a mass testing and tracing strategy across this island. That will allow us to identify outbreaks, isolate vulnerable communities and beat this.”

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