Inflated prices of goods raises concern

Sinn Fein Colr. Patricia LogueSinn Fein Colr. Patricia Logue
Sinn Fein Colr. Patricia Logue
Sinn Féin Councillor Patricia Logue has raised concerns over the inflated price of food and essentials.

Colr. Logue said: “I have been contacted by people locally who have raised concerns around the inflated cost of food and essentials in larger supermarkets and chain stores.

“Recently published data shows a 4.4% increase in the cost of high demand products – including food, personal sanitary products and household cleansing items.

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“At a time when jobs are being lost and the financial income in many homes being heavily impacted, this is unacceptable.

Food and essentials must be financially accessible to all in society.

“This is a time for social solidarity; it is not a time for exploitation. I’m calling on suppliers, supermarkets and chains to actively work to address the inflated cost of food and essentials to assist the public.”