Mammy Banter creator: ‘Who wouldn’t want to spread some laughter during a global pandemic?’

Serena Terry, creator of Mammy Banter.Serena Terry, creator of Mammy Banter.
Serena Terry, creator of Mammy Banter.
Serena Terry is the woman you will have seen shared all over your social media this past year.

The Derry woman’s humorous videos of family and lockdown life have made her a huge hit on TikTok, as well as other popular channels like Instagram where she has over 77,000 followers.

The 35-year-old’s online persona called ‘Mammy Banter’ has been viewed and shared by millions of people, not just in Ireland, but across the world.

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The mother of two, who works for a software company in Derry, hits the nail on the head each time, with her views on the ‘new normal’ - working from home, missing Primark, home schooling and everything in between.

She has been credited with creating laughs and lightness at a time when both are much needed and her down to earth, ‘tell it like it is’ realness has won her many fans.

Serena told the Journal how she initially believed TikTok was for young people, but soon honed a popular space for herself.

“My daughter had it for quite a while and I assumed it was just an app where teenagers went to learn dance routines, but everyday she would show me hilarious videos and I thought, well I like to laugh, and we all need a laugh right now so I’m going to download it.

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“One Saturday night, during the early stages of the first lockdown, my husband and I downloaded it and we literally sat for four hours not speaking to each other just laughing at TikToks.”

Serena admitted that she never envisaged her account would become as popular as it has.

“Never! I noticed that more and more creators my age were popping up and I thought, know what, I think I could do that.

“I started off doing the voiceover videos using other creators sounds ( when I look back at them now they are awful) but then I started to create my own content and the reaction was amazing. My husband even got involved, he’s on there as DaddyBanter.”

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Serena told how it is ‘crazy’ to know that millions of people have watched her videos and that she has brightened up their day.

“Its an incredible feeling to be honest, the comments people leave and the messages they send really hit hard.

“I did this in the beginning as a hobby for me, to keep me occupied and upbeat, but the fact that so many people are saying I’m helping them to smile is a huge incentive to keep doing it.

“Who wouldn’t want to spread some laughter during a global pandemic?”

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Serena posts a short video or commentary once a day at the very least.

Her topics are wide ranging and relatable and she finds inspiration from many sources. “It could be anything from something my kids say, to the things I think of myself personally.

“I feel that being brutally honest and turning our challenges in day to day life and validating that through comedy is a way for everyone to realise that they’re not alone in their struggles or thoughts. Especially during Covid.

“My videos showcase normal things that everyone experiences, but might not always talk about, so I try to focus on that. I also get inspiration from other creators, things I read or even a two line meme could spark a theme for an entire video.”

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Many people comment on Serena’s videos to tell her she has helped them get through lockdown.

She described this as ‘mad, to be honest.’ “This still feels like a hobby for me. If I have helped people through lockdown, I’m extremely flattered and humbled by that.”

While she is well known across social media, she hasn’t been recognised ‘too much’ yet when she’s out and about in Derry.

“That may be different when lockdown lifts, and I’m sure I’ll be totally awkward.

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“ So if you see me, say hello and ignore the huge redner I’m taking.”

As her social media career takes off, Serena is waiting to see what the future holds and if she’ll expand Mammy Banter into other areas.

“That is the million dollar question. I don’t know, is the answer. We’ll have to wait and see what the future holds I suppose. “

*You can find Serena on TikTok and Instagram on @mammybanter.

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