No further COVID-related deaths in Derry & Strabane

Covid 19.Covid 19.
Covid 19.
Latest figures published today by NISRA show that 10 deaths involving COVID-19 occurred in the week up to July 3, bringing the total of COVID-19 related deaths to 839.

None of the 10 additional deaths occurred in the Derry City & Strabane District Council area, where the tragic death toll in cases were coronavirus was mentioned remained at 28.

Of the new NI total number of deaths, 437 (52.1%) took place in hospital, 345 (41.1%) in care homes, eight (1.0%) in hospices and 49 (5.8%) at residential addresses or other locations. The 353 deaths which occurred in care homes and hospices involved 80 separate establishments.

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The comparative number of deaths reported daily by the Department of Health to July 3 was 554. These figures are based on patients having previously tested positive for the virus, whereas the NISRA figures are based on the information entered on death certificates, completed by medical professionals

Further analysis, which includes deaths of care home residents in hospital, shows that of the 423 deaths of care home residents involving COVID-19 in the year to date to 3rd July 2020, 81.6% (345) occurred in a care home, with the remaining 78 occurring in hospital. On this basis, deaths of care home residents account for 50.4% of all COVID-19 related deaths; however, no assumptions can be made in relation to where or when the deceased contracted the disease.

Persons aged 75 and over accounted for over two-thirds of all deaths and 80.0% of COVID‑19 related deaths registered from January 1 to July 3.

There have been 604 deaths in total so far this year in Derry & Strabane, 28 of which were COVID-related.