People urged not to visit holiday homes over bank holiday weekend

Deputy Charlie McConalogue.Deputy Charlie McConalogue.
Deputy Charlie McConalogue.
Fianna Fáil TD for Donegal Charlie McConalogue is appealing to people not to travel to their holiday or mobile homes this bank holiday weekend as public health officials try to contain the Coronavirus pandemic in Ireland.

Deputy McConalogue said, “I understand that the restrictions which have been imposed for the last week and a half are difficult, especially with the days getting longer and the weather improving. However, our public health officials have only implemented these strict limitations to stop the spread of this fatal virus. Each and every one of us has a part to play in the national fight against COVID-19.

“Every Easter, we see an influx of people to towns and villages right across the county, who provide a boost to the local economy. This year that is simply not an option, and I am urging our seasonal visitors to please stay at home this bank holiday weekend.

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“The time will come again when they will be welcomed back, but we are simply not there yet and we have to put public health first. I would be very worried about people coming into our county to their second homes when they should be staying in their own communities to contain the spread of the virus as much as possible.

“Social distancing would simply be impossible in our caravan parks, when some of the facilities are shared and space can be at a premium. Tourism is one of the main drivers of the local economy here in Donegal and under normal circumstances everyone is most welcome in our county. However, we are in unprecedented times and we have to listen to and heed the advice of the country’s Chief Medical Officer and our public health team.

“We will be able to travel again once this pandemic passes and if we do what’s necessary now, that time will come quicker. For the health of our loved ones, our neighbours and our communities, please stay at home this Easter”.