Sam to walk 100 miles for Foyle Down Syndrome Trust

The Donaghy family, Rosa, Dad Kenny, Sam, Joe, twins Max and Finn and Mum MichelleThe Donaghy family, Rosa, Dad Kenny, Sam, Joe, twins Max and Finn and Mum Michelle
The Donaghy family, Rosa, Dad Kenny, Sam, Joe, twins Max and Finn and Mum Michelle
A nine-year-old boy is to walk 100 miles during the month of November to raise money for the Foyle Down Syndrome Trust.

Sam Donaghey’s two-year-old sister has Down Syndrome and their family has received incredible support from the organisation.

Rosa was born with a heart defect and underwent major surgery last year to correct it.

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The family are no strangers to self-isolating, as they had to be very careful where they went before and after Rosa’s surgery to ensure she didn’t catch anything.

Sam with his sister Rosa.Sam with his sister Rosa.
Sam with his sister Rosa.

The toddler is now thriving and has even started to take her first steps.

Before the pandemic, the Donaghey family were regularly involved with social events organised by Foyle Down Syndrome Trust and Rosa would attend numerous groups.

During lockdown, this support and social interaction continued with online karaoke nights, bingo and classes for the toddler online.

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When it was safe to do so, Rosa even had music therapy in the garden and staff regularly kept in contact with the family.

Sam and Rosa along with their brothers Joe, Max and Finn.Sam and Rosa along with their brothers Joe, Max and Finn.
Sam and Rosa along with their brothers Joe, Max and Finn.

Mum Michelle explained this was very much a ‘lifeline’ for their family.

“They were in touch with us every week and provided us with cooking packs for the whole family and sensory packs. FDST is very family friendly so there were events organised during lockdown for all us to take part in. There was still that social interaction with someone who knows us and knows Rosa, which was brilliant.

“They really went over and above what I was expecting.”

The charity celebrated it’s 25th anniversary earlier this year, but because of the restrictions they were unable to host any of the planned celebratory events and have also missed out on a whole host of fundraising opportunities.

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Sam pictured while out walking earlier this week. He will be walking 100 miles in November for Foyle Down Syndrome Trust.Sam pictured while out walking earlier this week. He will be walking 100 miles in November for Foyle Down Syndrome Trust.
Sam pictured while out walking earlier this week. He will be walking 100 miles in November for Foyle Down Syndrome Trust.

Sam is a keen footballer, but all of the clubs where he hones his skills on the pitch have had to call off activities during the Covid-19 pandemic. He decided to go out walking regularly to keep active and decided to set himself the challenge of walking 100 miles this month while raising money for FDST.

The Oakgrove Integrated Primary School pupil is walking two and a half miles every evening and then does five miles at the weekend.

Michelle said the family are so proud of Sam.

“It is getting him out and about in the evenings to stay active, but this is his first wee bit of fundraising. He is quite a shy wee boy and usually avoids the spotlight, so this is really bringing him out of his comfort zone.

“We are really so proud of him for doing this because FDST missed out on so much fundraising this year because of Covid, so every penny really does count.”

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Sam had initially set himself a target of raising £200. However, he had smashed this in no time.

“Sam has raised over £800 so far and now hopes to raise £1,000,” Michelle explained. “It has really given him a really buzz. He is such a kind and caring wee boy and this has given him such a boost to his self-esteem.”

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