Searches carried out in Lyra McKee murder probe

The late Lyra McKee.The late Lyra McKee.
The late Lyra McKee.
Detectives investigating the murder of Lyra McKee in Creggan have carried out searches locally this morning.

The 29-year-old journalist was shot dead while observing riots in the estate on April 18.

Responsibility for the murder was later claimed by the New IRA.

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The murder of the journalist sent shockwaves through the community and was condemned globally.

Her death provided the impetus for fresh cross-party negotiations to reinstate the devolved government at Stormont.

The independent charity Crimestoppers has offered a £10,000 reward for information which leads to the arrest and conviction of those responsible for the murder.

A PSNI spokesperson confirmed to the Journal that the searches carried out in Creggan were in relation to the murder probe.

No further information was provided.