Song aims to ‘lighten load’ of Covid-19 grief

Rev. David Latimer.Rev. David Latimer.
Rev. David Latimer.
A Derry churchman hopes a local recording of a popular song can help ease the pain of people bereaved by COVID-19.

Rev David Latimer and a host of local musicians have recorded a version of ‘Beautiful Isle of Somewhere’ and it’s now available on the internet.

Dr Latimer, who recently retired as minister of First Derry Presbyterian Church, hopes the song can bring solace to those who have lost loved ones from coronavirus.

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He says: “Quite recently, a former First Derry Church member, unable to travel to her sister’s funeral at Altnagelvin Cemetery due to the COVID-19 regulations, sent me a few lines from the song, ‘Beautiful Isle of Somewhere’, asking if it could be read at the graveside religious service. I ended the funeral service by singing rather than reciting the comforting and consoling words of the song. Sometimes people want to hear a song containing words they’re often afraid to say. ‘Beautiful Isle of Somewhere’ is one of those songs. Remarkably, it has connected me with a talented group of local musicians and singers and we’ve recorded the song which is now available online.”

Dr Latimer hopes the recording will help “lighten the load bereaved people are quietly carrying at this strange and stressful time.”

Among those who took part in the recording are Robert Goodman (Trumpet), Siobhan Molloy (Tin Whistle), Jim O’Hara (Piano), and Dr Nicola Herron and the Ardmore Parish Folk Group.

To hear the song, go to