Two arrested for shining laser at police helicopter over Derry

An image of the laser beam taken from the Eurocopter EC145 call sign 'Police 45'.An image of the laser beam taken from the Eurocopter EC145 call sign 'Police 45'.
An image of the laser beam taken from the Eurocopter EC145 call sign 'Police 45'.
Two young people have been arrested for shining a laser at a police helicopter over Derry.

The incident occurred on Tuesday evening.

The PSNI said: "Following pro-active work by the police helicopter and local officers, two young persons have been arrested for offences involving laser beams being shone at an aircraft.

"We would take this opportunity to advise the public that such offences are extremely serious and the consequences of these actions could place the helicopter and the crew at risk. Any offences detected will be dealt with robustly."

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The force's air support unit confirmed that officers in its 'Police 45' Eurocopter EC145 were assisting police on the ground in Derry when the incident occurred.

"What makes anyone think shining a laser at an aircraft is a good idea?" the PSNI Air Support Unit asked.