‘Vast majority’ complying with restrictions following Derry - Donegal border patrols by PSNI and Gardai

Patrols on the border at Muff and other crossings this week.Patrols on the border at Muff and other crossings this week.
Patrols on the border at Muff and other crossings this week.
The PSNI in Derry have said that the vast majority of local people are complying with travel restrictions following a joint operation with An Gardai Siochana at border crossings between Derry and Donegal yesterday (Friday).

The operation was conducted to ensure those motorists from both jurisdictions traversing the border are doing so for valid reasons as set out within the regulations around travel restrictions as part of measures to limit the spread of coronavirus north and south.

Following the operation, a PSNI spokesperson for the Derry City & Strabane District said: “We have been working with An Garda Síochána and conducting coordinated patrols and checks at border crossings.

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“We are pleased to say that the vast majority of people are adhering to the Northern Ireland Executive regulations.

“We will continue to engage, explain, encourage and enforce for those who choose to ignore the government direction.

“Please #StayHomeSaveLives to stop the spread of Covid 19.”

Assistant PSNI Chief Constable Alan Todd said on Friday that the health advice is to stay at home and only leave home when it is absolutely essential.

“People are permitted to leave their homes for essential matters such as to seek medical assistance, obtain basic necessities including food and medical supplies, provide care or assistance to a vulnerable person, donate blood, to attend a funeral of a member of the person’s household or close family member,” he said.

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“It is also reasonable to travel for the purpose of work or to provide voluntary or charitable services where it not reasonably possible for that person to work or provide those services from their home. Essential travel does not however include visits to second homes, camp sites, caravan parks or similar. People should stay in their main place of residence.

“I appreciate, as do my colleagues in An Garda Síochána, that the forthcoming bank holidays weekends are traditionally busy when people would visit family, or visit resorts or beauty spots however we have to remember, as has been said time and time again, that this is a health crisis not a holiday. We need to behave differently and we all need to work together to help prevent the spread of Covid-19. We have been working closely with An Garda Síochána throughout the period of the restrictions and we will continue to do so in relation to an appropriate policing response and to coordinate our operational activity over both bank holiday weekends.

“We have a joint interest for people to stay at home and protect both our health services and save lives both sides of the border.”

Ass. Chf. Const. Todd confirmed that police will continue to conduct patrols and vehicle checkpoints.

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“You will continue to see police patrols and checkpoints across Northern Ireland for example at beauty spots, on roads going to key resorts and in border areas to engage with the public to ensure that everyone understands and is adhering to the direction from our government,” he said, adding:

“If you don’t have a reasonable explanation for your travel, we will turn you back. We will continue to engage with people and explain what we need them to do and encourage them to follow the restrictions that are in place but for the small numbers of people who are continuing to ignore the restrictions, it is inevitable that we will have to move to enforcement through the issue of penalty notices but I would stress this is always a last resort.”