Young Derry musicians giving free online concert tonight

Go to the YES Our Space facebook page tonight from 7pm.Go to the YES Our Space facebook page tonight from 7pm.
Go to the YES Our Space facebook page tonight from 7pm.
Derry's young musical talent will be helping to raise the city's spirits this evening (Friday, March 27) with a free Facebook Live concert.

Seven of the regular performers of YES (Youth Engagement Service) at Our Space will be playing live from their homes from 7pm tonight to the city and beyond via the social networking site.

"We would normally have an open mic night at Our Space once a month," explained organiser Peter Lafferty, "but obviously that's not possible at the moment.

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"We were to have had one on St Patrick's Night but as they can be very popular with more than 100 people turning up, we had to cancel.

"So instead we have decided to have a virtual concert online and hopefully many more people than could come to Our Space will be able to see them perform.

"It's a pity that we can't have our bands performing, so it will be individual performers - unless mums and dads want to join in."

The performers range in age from 12 to 20 and they are all regulars on the live stage at the city centre youth venue.

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The line-up tonight is: 7pm Fionn Gillespie; 7.20pm Cora Harkin; 7.40pm Szymon Sekula; 8pm Joe Allan; 8.30 Amy Rose; 8.50pm Josh McNutt; 9.15pm Patman Stentato. Times are approximate.

The Public Health Agency funds the Youth Engagement Service across Northern Ireland to cater for the health improvement needs of children and young people aged 11-25 years old.

To watch the concert visit the YES at Our Space Facebook page tonight from 7pm.

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