The Facebook page against plans for a pig farm on the outskirts of Limavady.The Facebook page against plans for a pig farm on the outskirts of Limavady.
The Facebook page against plans for a pig farm on the outskirts of Limavady.
Renewed efforts to get planning permission for an industrial scale pig farm on the outskirts of Limavady have caused uproar among some local residents.

Some residents living close to the proposed pig farm on Moys Road received letters at the weekend from Causeway Coast and Glens Council about the application which, if passed, could see up to 20,000 pigs on the site at any time.

Causeway Council say consultees reviewed the Environmental Statement that accompanied the application and requested further information. Council said this information was provided and residents were notified.Council said the application “remains under consideration and no opinion has been formed at this time.”

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Farmer Tommy Simpson has previously told the ‘Journal’ there would be no more than 20,000 pigs on the site at any time, and the venture could create 12 jobs.

However, some residents are not happy.

Charles Duncan lives approximately 300 yards from the proposed site and opposes the development. He worries about the impact of the volume of traffic, the smell and the impact on the value of his home. “It would be a nightmare,” he said. “I hope it doesn’t get planning permission but if it does, I don’t know, to be honest.”

Another resident said: “I feel so disheartened after getting the letter from the council. There are so many fears including the traffic and road safety. It’s hard enough trying to get down these narrow roads without big lorries on them. It would spoil the quality of life and, to be honest, I wouldn’t want to live here anymore. I woud appeal to the planners to think how they would feel if this was at their back door. It would be devastating.”

Animal welfare activists PETA UK last year came out against the development.