Police treating viable devices as attempted murder

Gordon McCalmont.Gordon McCalmont.
Gordon McCalmont.
Police in Derry say they are treating two crude but viable devices believed to have been thrown at police on the city's Walls during the early hours of this morning as attempted murder.

Superintendent Gordon McCalmont said: “The devices were discovered at 3:40am this morning. We immediately put an operation into place to secure the area and keep people safe.

“The devices were examined by ATO and declared to be crude but viable. They were made safe and taken away for further examination. No residents were evacuated and no roads were closed.

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The Superintendent said this was a ‘reckless act’ and those responsible have shown a ‘blatant disregard for life’.

“Our officers are working hard to keep people safe and there can be no justification whatsoever for this. Thankfully, no one was injured, however, had these devices exploded we could have been looking at something very different today.

“This is the second bid this week to murder police officers in the city.

On Tuesday night, shots were fired at police officers deployed on the city Walls.

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“Fortunately on Tuesday night, and early this morning, none of our officers were injured.

Police officers should not be targeted under any circumstances and their lives should not be put in danger by simply doing their jobs, keeping people safe.

Superintendent McCalmont appealed for those ‘with influence in the area to continue to assist us in trying to bring this unnecessary and unwanted violence to an end’.

“This isn’t wanted by the community and those involved are urged to cease this activity immediately.”

The police have appealed for anyone with information about the incidents to contact 101.

Alternatively, information can also be provided to the Crimestoppers charity on 0800 555 111.

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