Barry McElduff suspended by Sinn Fein

West Tyrone M.P., Barry McElduff.West Tyrone M.P., Barry McElduff.
West Tyrone M.P., Barry McElduff.
A Sinn Fein M.P. has been suspended for three months by his party after a video of himself balancing a loaf of Kingsmill bread on his head caused offence to many people.

Barry McElduff M.P. posted the video on the 42nd anniversary of the Kingsmill massacre.

Eleven Protestant men were on their way to work when they were taken off a minibus, lined up and shot near the village of Kingsmill on January 5, 1976.

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Only one man survived and the Kingsmill massacre is regarded as one of the worst mass shootings of the Troubles.

Mr. Elduff shared the video of himself at the weekend.

"Although I genuinely meant no offence, I accept that my actions were ill-judged and, while unintended, caused deep and unnecessary hurt and pain to the Kingsmill families.

"I apologise unreservedly for this.

"In recognising the serious consequences of my actions, I fully accept the party’s decision to suspend me from all party activity for a period of three months."

The decision to suspend Mr. McElduff was taken at a special party leadership meeting in Belfast on Monday.