Clinton trip revisited in ‘Derry Girls’ finale

Derry Girls, Clinton Visit (Picture by Peter Marley)Derry Girls, Clinton Visit (Picture by Peter Marley)
Derry Girls, Clinton Visit (Picture by Peter Marley)
The historic visit by US President Bill Clinton during the fledgling Peace Process back in 1995 will provide the setting for tonight’s season two finale of ‘Derry Girls.’

Writer Lisa McGee and the cast and crew caused quite a stir last Autumn when part of the city centre, including Shipquay Street and Guildhall Square, were cordoned off as they recreated the day Bill and wife Hilary came to town.

The episode entitled ‘The President’ will recreate the historic events of November 30, 1995 when John Hume and the then Mayor of Derry, the late SDLP Councillor, John Kerr, introduced the world’s most powerful couple to the thousands of local people who turned out to catch a glimpse of them.

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Addressing the cheering and US flag-waving sea of people who crammed into Guildhall Square, Waterloo Place, Shipquay Street and on the City Walls, Mr Clinton said: “I can see today how lucky I am to be the first President of the United States to come back to this city. Well my friends, I believe we live in a time of hope and history rhyming. Standing here in front of the Guildhall, looking out over these historic Walls, I see a peaceful city, a safe city, a hopeful city full of young people that should have a peaceful and prosperous future here, where their roots and their families are.”

John Hume, meanwhile, spoke of a “dream where we will have a land in the next century where, for the first time in our history, there will be no killing on our streets and no emigration of our young people to other lands.”

The visit was one of several by the Clinton’s to the city, with Bill most recently flying over in March 2017 for the funeral of Martin McGuinness.

Tonight’s episode will be screened at the earlier time of 9.00 p.m. on Channel 4.

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