Derry MP Colum Eastwood calls for parties to enter New Year negotiations in spirit of compromise

Colum Eastwood.Colum Eastwood.
Colum Eastwood.
The SDLP leader Colum Eastwood has called for the main parities to enter the New Year negotiations to restore Stormont in a spirit of compromise.

Talks aimed at the resurrection of the power-sharing institutions are set to resume on Thursday.

Mr. Eastwood said parties must enter negotiations this week prepared for the compromises necessary to restore power sharing institutions almost three years after their collapse.

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He said: “Later this week, after months of talking about partnership and compromise in TV debates and newspaper articles, political leaders have the opportunity to show that it wasn’t just talk.

"For almost three years we have been without a government to deal with hospital waiting lists, pay parity for healthcare workers, the funding crisis in our schools and the welfare cliff edge about to hit tens of thousands of families. It’s time to get back to work.

“The SDLP has made compromise proposals already. With less than two weeks to secure a resolution, all parties must be prepared to stretch themselves in the substantial common interests of all our communities.”