Derry People Before Profit Alliance candidate Shaun Harkin backs Jeremy Corbyn Labour manifesto

Shaun Harkin.Shaun Harkin.
Shaun Harkin.
People Before Profit Alliance candidate Shaun Harkin has backed Jeremy Corbyn's Labour manifesto saying it's gone down very well in Derry.

"People agree it's time to raise taxes on billionaires and the super rich so that we can properly fund the health service, schools and infrastructure. The same is true for getting rid of Universal Credit and other vicious welfare reforms.

"The manifesto proposes ending the privatisation of public services. There's nowhere needs this more than Derry and the North West.

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"Proposals to raise the minimum wage, create free childcare, build social housing and abolish student fees are also extremely popular.

"Corbyn's proposals will be opposed by the rich, the privileged and elites. These are all proposals People Before Profit already support and would vote for in Westminster. The big political establishment parties in Foyle can't make the same commitment," said Mr. Harkin.

The PBPA candidate attacked his political opponents over the position on corporation tax in the North.

"Sinn Féin, the DUP and Alliance all voted to bring in Tory welfare reforms here. The SDLP and Sinn Féin actually want to cut taxes on wealthy corporations here to a rate even lower than what Boris Johnson and the Tories want.

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"In the 2017 Westminster election the SDLP spent much of their time on doors of working class areas of Derry distancing themselves from Corbyn's manifesto claiming it was too socialist and too radical - while they created a partnership with Fianna Fáil elites in the South. They're all complicit in the privatisation and running down of public services.

"Our vision of a socialist Ireland is gaining support among ordinary people North and South who've had enough of broken promises, austerity and self-serving elites," he said.