Durkan: Ovarian cancer awareness day a time to both educate and lobby for better drugs and services

Mark H. Durkan.Mark H. Durkan.
Mark H. Durkan.
The SDLP health spokesman Mark H. Durkan has said this World Ovarian Cancer Day is an opportunity to both educate people on potential warning signs but also demand better models of treatment here in the North.

Mr. Durkan remarked: "Ovarian cancer awareness day, is an opportunity to inform the public about the symptoms of the disease. Early detection provides the best chance of effective treatment, so public campaigns such as these are key to ensuring more women survive ovarian cancer."

“Our focus must also be on increasing awareness of ovarian cancer and the signs to look out for; from bloating and nausea to pressure in the pelvis or lower back.

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“Awareness leads to change and change has the potential to save the lives of our daughters, sisters, partners and mothers. So this ovarian cancer awareness day, be a campaigner for change, share the signs and symptoms with the women in your life- it could save theirs.”

However, the Foyle MLA said today was also a day to lobby for anti-cancer drugs to be made more accessible.

“It is also a time to fight for better provisions and faster treatment times for those affected by the disease. Thanks to the tireless efforts of campaigners lobbying for access to cancer drugs, the approval of ovarian cancer drug Niraparib was granted in Northern Ireland earlier this year- helping ease the suffering and improve the lives of many people living with the disease," he said.