IN FULL: Arlene Foster statement on Irish border after Brexit

DUP leader, Arlene Foster.DUP leader, Arlene Foster.
DUP leader, Arlene Foster.
The full statement given by DUP leader, Arlene Foster, on the issue of the Irish border post-Brexit.

“We note the speculation emanating from the European Union exit talks regarding the Republic of Ireland and United Kingdom border.

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Arlene Foster says DUP 'will not accept' North separation from UK

"We have been very clear. Northern Ireland must leave the EU on the same terms as the rest of the United Kingdom.

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"We will not accept any form of regulatory divergence which separates Northern Ireland economically or politically from the rest of the United Kingdom.

"The economic and constitutional integrity of the United Kingdom will not be compromised in any way."Her Majesty’s Government understands the DUP position. The Prime Minister has told the House of Commons that there will be no border in the Irish Sea.

"The Prime Minister has been clear that the UK is leaving the European Union as a whole and the territorial and economic integrity of the United Kingdom will be protected."We want to see a sensible Brexit where the Common Travel Area is continued, we meet our financial obligations, have a strictly time limited implementation period and where the contribution of EU migrants to our economy is recognised in a practical manner.

"The Republic of Ireland claim to be guarantors of the Belfast Agreement but they are clearly seeking to unilaterally change the Belfast Agreement without our input or consent.”