Nothing accidental about shooting into a crowd, says Eamonn McCann

Lyra McKeeLyra McKee
Lyra McKee
Journalist and civil rights campaigner, Eamonn McCann, has derided claims by Saoradh that the murder of Lyra McKee in Creggan on Thursday was a ‘tragic accident.’

The People Before Profit spokesperson said: “A shudder of dismay went across the town when we heard of the death of journalist, Lyra McKee, killed by indiscriminate shooting into a crowd.

“People immediately understood the sheer futility of it - we all knew no cause was being served by this murder.

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“It has been described as ‘accidental.’ There is nothing accidental about giving somebody a gun and sending them to shoot into a crowd.”

Mr. McCann said the senseless killing of the 29-years-old was devastating for her loved ones.

“Our immediate thoughts are with her partner Sara, her family, her friends and her colleagues. This tragedy has left us all devastated.

“Lyra was an LGBTQ activist, a lovely woman and a worker killed doing her job.

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“Lyra was a force for good in the world. She was a beautiful human being. She touched many people’s lives in such a positive way.”

He said people should continue the work Lyra was pursuing in her campaign for equality.

“We pay tribute to her journalism and courageous social justice activism. She brought about change. We are with everyone in mourning at her death. We encourage everyone to redouble their efforts to bring about the type of just and equal society Lyra believed in - and that can properly serve her memory.”