Private hospitals to operate as public hospitals and increase in benefits among radical measures announced by Leo Varadkar

Leo Varadkar and Simon Harris.Leo Varadkar and Simon Harris.
Leo Varadkar and Simon Harris.
Private hospitals in the south will operate as public hospitals for the duration of the COVID-19 emergency adding thousands of hospital beds to national capacity, the Taoiseach Leo Varadkar has announced.

The measure, was among several radical steps, announced by the Dublin Government on Tuesday.

"We also approved a framework agreement with the private hospitals. They will operate effectively as public hospitals under Section 38 of the Health Act for the duration of the Emergency thus adding over two thousand beds, 9 laboratories, critical care capacity and thousands of staff to our health service.

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"Private and public patients will be treated equally and the private hospitals have agreed to do this on a not-for-profit basis. I want to thank them for their co-operation.

"I briefed the leaders of the other parties yesterday and we will be briefing spokespeople today and during the week. In contrast to what we have seen in some other countries, our political parties have united against a common foe and I want to thank them for their understanding, goodwill and co-operation to date," said Mr. Varadkar.

Other measures include increased benefit payments for those who have lost their jobs as a result of the pandemic.

The COVID Unemployment Payment has been increased to €350 a week. The COVID Illness Benefit will also increase to €350 per week and can be topped up by employers. This will be paid to people self-isolating.

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A wage subsidy scheme will be introduced to co-fund 70% of the cost of salaries up to a maximum of €38,000 a year. At a salary of €38,000 the subsidy will equate to €410 a week in take-home pay.

Mr. Varadkar said: "The cost of this will be great. Many billions of euro in the coming months. But we can bear it and we will be able to pay it back as a nation. We do so willingly because it is the right thing to do and because we owe it to our fellow citizens.

"I believe that maintaining the link between employees and employers and companies will make it easier for us to bounce back when this is all over. We will keep our economic infrastructure intact. We will give businesses the best chance of making it through this.

"The self-employed will also be covered. I know the sacrifices so many of our self-employed have made to build up their businesses and practices and I know how worried they are now."

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The government also announced an escalation in closures to try to stop the spread of COVID-19.

All theatres, clubs, gyms/leisure centres, hairdressers, betting shops, marts, markets, casinos, bingo halls, libraries and other similar outlets are to shut.

All hotels to limit occupancy to essential non-social and non-tourist reasons.

All non-essential retail outlets are to close to members of the public and all other retail outlets are to implement physical distancing.

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All cafes and restaurants are to limit supply to take away food or delivery.

All sporting events are cancelled, including those behind closed doors.

All playgrounds and holiday/caravan parks will close.

All places of worship are to restrict numbers entering at any one time to ensure adequate physical distancing.

All organised social indoor and outdoor events of any size are not to take place.

Gardaí will increase interventions where venues are not in compliance with, or where groups of people are not adhering to recommended physical distancing.

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