Residents disturbed by noise at William Street Car Park

William Street car parkWilliam Street car park
William Street car park
Sinn Féin Councillor Colly Kelly has said that residents in William Street and Brewster's Close have raised further concerns about late night noise caused by so-called '˜boy racers' at William Street car park.

Colr. Kelly had raised the issue of late night noise being created in the car park back in February. He said: “Residents had concerns that there was growing problems with groups being displaced from other areas and who are now congregating there.

“We all know that William Street is one of the busiest streets in the city and residents have to put up with a lot, particularly at night time.

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“I contacted the City Centre Initiative (CCI), the Council, PSNI and Transport NI to see what can be done and what efforts they have used in other areas of the city to tackle this problem.

“After a number of interventions the problem seemed to have eased but sadly it has raised its head again over the past few weeks effecting residents in William Street and Brewster’s Close. Residents are being kept awake by the noise, it’s affecting people sleep patterns and causing a lot of upset.”

Colr. Kelly said he has been nback in contact with authorities to try and find a lasting resolution to this issue.