SDLP tables blocking amendment to Internal Market Bill

Colum Eastwood MP.Colum Eastwood MP.
Colum Eastwood MP.
SDLP MPs have tabled a reasoned amendment to the UK Internal Market Bill at Westminster which, if selected, is designed to prevent further passage of the legislation.

The amendment, tabled by SDLP leader Colum Eastwood MP and South Belfast MP Claire Hanna, cites the impact of the legislation on devolution, the Good Friday Agreement and argues it is a breach of international law.

Colum Eastwood, MP for Foyle, said: “The Internal Market Bill represents the worst impulses of this British Government to attempt to trample the interests and rights of people in Northern Ireland.

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“The SDLP, along with progressive opposition parties at Westminster, is totally opposed to the legislation which brings us closer to a hard border in Ireland than we have been at any point in these negotiations.

“US congressional leaders have already spelled out what that means for any hope of a trade deal with Britain. We will continue to use our influence with the United States to secure an outcome the protects the progress made in Ireland over a generation.

“SDLP MPs have tabled a reasoned amendment to the bill, outlining our serious concerns about the intentional breach of international law and the overreach into the authority of the devolved institutions.”

The SDLP amendement states that the current government has demonstrated time and time again that “it doesn’t care about the interests of people, businesses or communities on the island of Ireland”.

It concludes: “Their only motivation is narrow political advantage. The SDLP will continue to take a stand for people in NI and we’ll resist this legislation at every stage.”