SF strongly criticises Derry policing ‘tactics’ - treatment of 14-year-old boy concerning, says Karen Mullan

Karen Mullan MLA.Karen Mullan MLA.
Karen Mullan MLA.
A Derry MLA has strongly criticised the PSNI over the policing of nationalist areas of the city.

In a hard-hitting statement Sinn Féin MLA Karen Mullan raised, in particular, the arrest of a 14-year-old boy during a search operation in Creggan on August 3.

She has also claimed some families in the city have had their bank accounts frozen as part of a tactic to discourage dissident republican activity.

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“The wider nationalist community is becoming increasingly concerned and frustrated at some of the tactics being deployed by the PSNI, most notably here in Derry.

“One of the most concerning cases involved a house raid in Creggan back in August when a 14-year-old child with a learning disability was cable tied by PSNI officers and taken out of a house without his parents present.

“This young person was subsequently released almost as soon as he reached the Strand Road station.

“The treatment of this child was entirely unacceptable and unjustifiable.

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“Sinn Féin has challenged the PSNI leadership over this particular case on a number of occasions and we will continue to do so,” said the Foyle MLA.

Responding directly to Ms. Mullan’s claims the new Derry and Strabane District Commander Chief Superintendent Darrin Jones said: “Accountability to both the public and the relevant oversight bodies such as the Northern Ireland Policing Board, Policing and Community Safety Partnerships, Police Ombudsman and local representatives are at the heart of our policing with the community approach.

“We strive to deliver a first class policing service to the people of Derry/Londonderry, and protecting the public and keeping people safe is and always will be our priority.

“As the new policing commander for the area I would be keen to meet with anyone who wishes to discuss how policing in the city is delivered and how we can continue to ensure that we address the concerns of the people.”