Video: Stephen Martin says Lyra McKee killers should hang their heads in shame

Lyra McKee.Lyra McKee.
Lyra McKee.
Former Derry District Commander and current Deputy Chief Constable Stephen Martin has said those who murdered 29-year-old journalist Lyra McKee in Derry last night should hang their heads in shame.

“Lyra’s murder at the hands of a gunman has been met with global condemnation, horror and revulsion," the Deputy Chief Constable told assembled media at the Guildhall this afternoon.

“I should not be standing here today condemning the loss of a young life at the hands of evil people who have nothing to offer.

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“The gunman and those who share his warped ideology should hang their heads in shame today – they represent no one.

Lyra McKee.Lyra McKee.
Lyra McKee.

“Lyra’s murder has appalled not just people across this city, but people around the world and there has been a global wave of shock and sympathy from her colleagues in journalism, politicians, church and community leaders.

“Today is Good Friday and it’s a cruel twist in our history that 21 years ago the majority of people in Northern Ireland signed up to the Belfast/Good Friday Agreement yet here we are today mourning the loss of a talented young woman, a young journalist who was also a daughter, a sister and a partner," he said.

Deputy Chief Constable said he wanted to travel to Derry to show solidarity with Ms. McKee's family and with the people of the city who have united in horror at last night's murder.

“This is a dark day.

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“There is no doubt that the people behind last night’s violence on the streets of this city, who threw dozens of petrol bombs at officers, who hijacked and set on fire vehicles had one aim – they set out to kill and take the life of a police officer – tragically they took the life of a talented young writer.

“We have now launched a murder investigation to find the gunman who murdered Lyra and bring those responsible for the orchestrated violence that has been shown on television screens around the world to justice.

“And this is where now, more than ever, we need the public to help us," he said.

The top police officer said some people living in the community in Creggan had vital information about last night's disorder and murder.

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“I want to make a direct appeal to the people who know who carried out this murder, to the people who know those who goaded young people to put their lives and futures on the line, the people prepared to bring murder and mayhem onto the streets of this city – you need to do the right thing.

“You have to help make this madness stop. Please, pick up the phone and make a difference.

“As we move into the Easter weekend I would appeal for calm and ask everyone with influence in the community to work together to ensure there are no further acts of violence, the people who have influence I urge you to use it and do what you can – if we want to ensure we never experience another dark night where such a vibrant young life was taken – please do the right thing, and make this violence stop. Tell us what you know.”