Praise for bus drivers who helped man with stab wound

Translink Assistant Service Delivery Manager, Tony McDaidTranslink Assistant Service Delivery Manager, Tony McDaid
Translink Assistant Service Delivery Manager, Tony McDaid
Two bus drivers who helped a man found with a stab wound to his chest in the city centre last weekend, have been praised for their swift actions.

Police in Derry said they are not looking for anyone else in connection with an incident in which a man was taken from the city centre to hospital with a stab wound on Saturday.

A spokesperson for the Western Health & Social Care Trust confirmed that the man was yesterday in a “comfortable and stable” condition in Altnagelvin Hospital, where he is receiving treatment for his injuries.

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Shocked eyewitnesses had reported seeing the man bleeding and staggering across the road before collapsing outside a licensed premises in the busy Foyle Street area.

Two Ulsterbus drivers who were working in the Foyle Street area at the time intervened and contacted emergency services to request an ambulance.
The drivers also waited with the injured man until paramedics arrived on the scene.

In a statement issued on Saturday night, a PSNI spokesman said: “Following an incident in Foyle Street around 6:20pm this evening, police can confirm that a man, aged in his 30s, has been taken to hospital for treatment for a suspected stab wound.

“His injuries are not believed to be life-threatening.

“At this stage police are not looking for anyone else in connection with this incident,” the spokesman added.

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A section of Foyle Street was cordoned off on Saturday evening following the incident, while the ambulance crew transported the man to Altnagelvin Hospital.

Speaking yesterday, Translink Assistant Service Delivery Manager, Tony McDaid, spoke of the swift actions of the two bus drivers on Saturday.

Mr. McDaid said: “I‘d like to praise the quick actions of two of our Ulsterbus drivers who went to the assistance of a man on Foyle Street on Saturday evening, January 5 and alerted emergency services.”