Sinn Fein Colr. Dermot Nicholl at the fence.Sinn Fein Colr. Dermot Nicholl at the fence.
Sinn Fein Colr. Dermot Nicholl at the fence.
A priest in Greysteel has backed calls urging the community to do what they can to prevent vandalism in the area.

Fr. Noel McDermott was speaking following appeals from local representatives about recent attacks on the play park in Greysteel and vandalism targeted at a fence that was being erected by the local Council.

The vandalism caused hundreds of pounds of damage and the play park had to be closed for a day. The repeated vandalism on the fence in the Glen area forced Council to pull their workers out.

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The attacks drew condemnation from Raymond O’Hara from Greysteel Community Association and Sinn Fein Councillor Dermot Nicholl, prompting them to place an appeal in the parish bulletin.

Picking up on their appeal, Fr. McDermott urged Mass goers last weekend to keep an eye on teenagers.

Referring to the vandalism at the play park, Fr. McDermott said: “We don’t want to lose such a valuable facility, especially now coming into the summer. No one wants it to be destroyed because it’s a great wee facility.

Fr. McDermott stressed vandalism is “an unusual occurrence” in the area.

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“It’s only the second time in 16 years I have had to mention something like this and, really, it was just to reiterate what Dermot and Raymond had said.

“We don’t really get much of this. It’s an unusual occurrence.”

Mr. O’Hara said previously if the vandalism at the park continued, they may have to consider closing the facility at weekends. However, he said since the appeal for vigilance, there have been no further reports of vandalism.

“It has been quiet since, thank goodness, and we hope it stays that way,” said Mr. O’Hara. “People have even offered to patrol the area. It’s all positive stuff.”

Colr. Nicholl added: “We hope this is the end of it now and people respect the area. Vandalism is not needed, or wanted.”

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