PSNI conducting raid at Junior McDaid house

The scene at the PSNI search of Junior McDaid House in Chamberlain Street. DER1418GS013The scene at the PSNI search of Junior McDaid House in Chamberlain Street. DER1418GS013
The scene at the PSNI search of Junior McDaid House in Chamberlain Street. DER1418GS013
The PSNI are currently searching Junior McDaid house in Derry city centre as part of an investigation into an Easter commemoration parade and subsequent disorder on Monday.

Representatives from Saoradh said today’s raids “follow on from a successful weekend for Republicans both in the city and further afield as we commemorated Ireland’s patriot dead”.

Speaking out about the ongoing raids, Saoradh representative, Paddy Gallagher said: “After a number of calls for Republicans to be ‘brought before the law’ by those in Sinn Féin and other pro establishment parties, we are now witnessing the Crown Forces answer those calls.”

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The party said that three Republican activists have been ‘lifted off the street’ while making their way to Junior McDaid House.

“Tactics such as this by the British war machine in Ireland has failed in the past and they will continue to fail today,” the organisation stated.

A PSNI spokesperson meanwhile said: “Officers in Derry/Londonderry, investigating an illegal Easter Parade and subsequent disorder in the Creggan on Easter Monday, are conducting a search at premises on Chamberlain Street.

“There are no further details at present.”

Several petrol bombs and other missiles were fired at police Landrovers on Monday afternoon in Creggan.

Police Federation for Northern Ireland chairperson Mark Lindsay yesterday branded the violence directed at PSNI officers in Creggan “appalling and disgraceful”.