PSNI confirm two people dealt with on Derry bridges

Foyle Search and RescueFoyle Search and Rescue
Foyle Search and Rescue
The Police Service of Northern Ireland in Derry successfully intervened in preventing two people from self harming from bridges on the River Foyle today, the force have reported.

The interventions were confirmed by police to have occurred shortly before 4 p.m. on Monday.

PSNI officers at Strand Road stated: “Police in Foyle have dealt with two people on our bridges today, successful interventions, but we would rather it didn’t get that far.”

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Police reminded people that help is available from a range of agencies if anyone is suffering from distress or despair.

These include the PSNI’s own non-emergency number (101); Lifeline (08088088000); the Samaritans (116123); Hurt (02871369696); Zest (02871266999);Calms (02871268698); Childline (08001111); CRUSE (02871262941); the StepChange Debt Charity (08001381111); Altnagelvin Hospital (02871345171) and Foyle Search and Rescue (02871313800).