PSNI officer in Limavady issues Facebook appeal to 'defeat scourge of drugs'

Drugs and cash seized during raids in Limavady in January 2012. (File pic)Drugs and cash seized during raids in Limavady in January 2012. (File pic)
Drugs and cash seized during raids in Limavady in January 2012. (File pic)
A senior police officer in Limavady has appealed for the public's help to 'defeat the scourge of drugs'.

PSNI Sergeant Robert Ennis said on Limavady PSNI’s Facebook page the public helping police is not “touting.”

“Experience has taught me that myself and my team cannot defeat this scourge on our own. We need you, the public to help us. Yes, we know who most of them are, but we also require information on where the drugs are being stored, postal drops and anything else of which you are aware. This stuff can kill,” said Sgt. Ennis. “Many of these illegal drugs contain such a wide range of chemical elements, we just don’t know what they do to the human brain. A very long term drug abuser told me recently about these new drugs ‘you get a brilliant high but, man, the lows. I’ve never suffered anything like it. I just wanted to kill myself and nothing I thought about could change how much I just wanted to die. That’s me finished with them, no way I’m going through that again”.

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Sgt. Ennis said helping the police is “doing your family, your neighbours, and society in general, a favour”. “This scourge must stop before it’s too late and you are standing over the hospital bed of a loved one or organising their funeral,” said Sgt. Ennis. “The police can’t do it alone. The only way we can really make a difference is with your help. Please lift the phone. I promise you that if you call the independent charity CrimeStoppers on 0800 555 111 no one will ever know it was you. Alternatively, ring us on 101. I hope you have a very happy 2017 unless of course you deal in illegal drugs, in which case I hope to ‘catch’ up with you very soon.”

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