Public praised for raising alarm after FSR river rescue

Foyle Search and Rescue file image.Foyle Search and Rescue file image.
Foyle Search and Rescue file image.
Foyle Search & Rescue have praised those who raised the alarm after a person was rescued was rescued from the River Foyle yesterday.

The local charity confirmed that at 04:49am on Saturday, the Police Service of Northern Ireland activated Foyle Search & Rescue’s Pager System following reports that a person had been observed in the Water.

A Foyle Search & Rescue spokesperson said: “Boat and Mobile Units responded and the person was located and rescued to the boat.

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“The person was then transferred to our Base at Prehen, being assessed by EFRs, EMTs and a Paramedic from both Foyle Search & Rescue and the Northern Ireland Ambulance Service.

“The patient was then transferred to Hospital by Ambulance.”

The spokesperson added: “Appreciation to the members of the public who alerted the Emergency Services and to CCTV & PSNI for there assistance throughout the rescue.”

Foyle Search & Rescue recently issued advice to local people regarding the use of lifebuoys.

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Experts from the charity have advised: “Should a member of the public need to effect a rescue using one of the lifebuoys located along the River Foyle, they should aim the ring buoy to fall a short distance beyond the person in the water so that it can be pulled towards them.

“When the person in the water obtains a firm grip on the lifebuoy, they can be pulled slowly to the riverbank or edge. It is essential that the rescuer reassures and directs the person in the water throughout the rescue. Under NO circumstances should a member of the Public enter the water to effect a rescue. Always dial 999 in the event of an emergency.”