Road safety campaign in Greysteel

Colr. Dermot Nicholl says the footpath would improve road safety.Colr. Dermot Nicholl says the footpath would improve road safety.
Colr. Dermot Nicholl says the footpath would improve road safety.
A local councillor has welcomed progress on a road safety campaign in Greysteel, including plans to have a new path installed .

Sinn Féin Colr. Dermot Nicholl says local people have been lobbying for a footpath on Killylane Road for some time. He believes it is needed to improve road safety and it should stretch from Sunvale Park to Dungullion Road.

“The lack of a footpath on a particular section of the Killylane Road between Greysteel and Eglinton has been a concern for many local people for quite some time now.

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“The road is very busy with both vehicles and pedestrians as it is part of a popular dog walking route in the village,” he said.

“I feel if there was a footpath people would feel a lot safer. Having made contact with the relevant authorities, I am now glad to announce that there is agreement that a footpath is urgently required. Transport NI will now advance the project onto the cost and design stage.”

Colr. Nicholl added: “I will continue lobbying hard now to secure the funding required an ensure this project goes ahead.”

A spokesperson for the Department of Infrastructure said: “The Killylane Road has been assessed for provision of a footway.

“This scheme will be considered along with many other schemes in the area and take place subject to funding.”