Safety concerns over '˜dangerous' Derry road

The Lone Moor Road in Derry. (Picture Google Earth)The Lone Moor Road in Derry. (Picture Google Earth)
The Lone Moor Road in Derry. (Picture Google Earth)
Foyle MLA Mark H Durkan has vowed to write to Transport Minister Chris Hazzard over the need for safety improvements on the Lone Moor Road in Derry.

The SDLP Assemblyman has accused Transport NI of failing to take action to improve safety on the road.

Mr Durkan said: “People will not need reminded of how dangerous this road is and SDLP have been working to have this addressed for some time.

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“In response to a recent enquiry about the need for traffic –calming measures to be implemented on Lone Moor Road, I received the response from Transport NI that this will be looked at subsequent to the redevelopment of Brandywell stadium.

“While I was less than satisfied with this response, I did accept it. However, just this week I contacted Transport NI again with a view to improving the virtually non-existent road markings in the area.”

Mr Durkan said the markings at the junction of Southway/Lone Moor Road are “particularly bad and, in my opinion, present a real danger to road users”.

“I am extremely frustrated,” he said, “to have received a similar response – this issue will not be addressed until after the construction work at the stadium is carried out.”

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He added: “I, like all Derry City fans, am already frustrated at how long that work is taking to be commenced, never mind completed, and it is completely unacceptable that immediate steps are not being taken to improve safety on this very busy and dangerous road.

“What message does this send out to people living in this area? That their safety is not important?”

Mr Durkan also vowed to make contact with Minister Hazzard directly detailing his concerns.

He said: “I will be writing to the Infrastructure Minister Chris Hazzard to convey my concerns and to seek a sufficiently urgent response to the need for these improvements to be carried out.”

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The Department for Infrastructure had not responded to the issues raised by Mr Durkan by the time of going to press last night.

The redevelopment of Brandywell Stadium, which is due to start soon, includes the building of a new stand, new changing rooms and office space, and a new playing surface.